Selected speaker at SIC-Precision Oncology from myth to reality- Naples

Selected Speaker at the NIBIT: “Italian network for cancer biotherapy and immunotherapy”- Verona 2019

what laboratory work looks like
Happy to say that we won a competitive funding grant from Regione Emilia-Romagna for the opening of a PhD position!

Finally our IL-1R paper accepted!Congrats to Valerio e Martina for their great work.
The IL-1R1 story is getting interesting! We just published our latest finding on the role of the IL-1 pathway in the development of resistance to EGFR therapy. Exciting elements need to be uncovered.. we are working on it. Stay tuned!
Highlight on Science SIgnaling about recent exciting developments in cell signaling research
In our laboratory, cancer cells are in love on Valentine’s day
EGFR-induced cytoskeletal changes drive complex cell behaviors: The tip of the iceberg.
Two independent studies report that Epidermal growth factor signaling is interconnected with cytoskeletal dynamics in cancer cells (Roth et al. and Pike et al., in 30 January 2018 issue).
Cover on Science Signaling
Our data presented at the EAPM 2017-Belfast
Our abstract was selected for an oral presentation at the “European Alliance of Personalized Medicine EAPM, 2017 Belfast”. Great audience, here the chairman and more!
and Beautiful city!!
My postgraduate student got a price
Valerio Gelfo, currently a Ph.D student in our lab, won the “Price for the Best Poster” at the 4th International ConferenceTranslational Research In Oncology”.